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Staff Email Contact List
Mr S Sharp | Headteacher | headteacher@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs C Bryson | Deputy Head | cbryson@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr C Doe | Senior Assistant Head & Curriculum Lead | cdoe@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Spurr | Assistant Head | lspurr@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Beck | Assistant Head | lbeck@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms F Woods | Assistant Head | fwoods@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs V McLaughlin | School Business Manager | finance@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss A Phelps | Head of Year 7 | aphelps@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs L Forzani | Head of Year 8 | lforzani@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs S King | Head of Year 9 | sking@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss H Wood | Head of Year 10 | hwood@stmcomprehensive.org |
MR R Moran | Head of Year 11 | rmoran@stmcomprehensive.org |
ART | ||
Mr D Palmisano | Head of Art | dpalmisano@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr J Jones | Art Teacher | jjones@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs H Woolgar | Art Teacher | hwoolgar@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms H Woolgar | Head of DT | hwoolgar@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms C McCardle | DT Lead | cmcardle@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr J King | DT Technician | jking@stmcomprehensive.org |
DRAMA | ||
Mr J Jones | Creative Enrichment Lead | jjones@stmcomprehensive.org |
LAMDA Coordinator | @stmcomprehensive.org | |
Ms C Lantsbury | Head of English | clantsbury@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Beck | English Teacher | lbeck@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss I Egemensoy | 2 i/c English | iegemensoy@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms F Tratt | English Teacher | ftratt@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms E Falconer | English Teacher | efalconer@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Collier | English Teacher | lcollier@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs S King | Head of FT | sking@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs K Cook | FT Teacher | kcook@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss A Phelps | Head of Geography | aphelps@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs E Martinez | Geography Teacher | emartinez@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms R O'Donnell | Geography Teacher | rodonnell@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms F Woods | Head of History | fwoods@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr R Shanahan | History Teacher | rshanahan@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs V Davis | History Teacher | vdavis@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms E Falconer | History Teacher | efalconer@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr M Siyid | Co-Head of Computing | msiyid@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs L Tomlinson | LSU Manager | ltomlinson@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr G Mwaramba | Head of Maths | gmwaramba@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr R Al-Jumaili | 2 i/c Maths | raljumaili@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Heffernan | Maths Teacher | lheffernan@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr C O'Carroll | Maths Teacher | cocarroll@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr C Doe | Maths Teacher | cdoe@stmcomprehensive.org |
MFL | ||
Ms A Milton | Head of MFL (French & Spanish) | amilton@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms C Blanc | MFL Teacher 2 i/c (French & Spanish) | cblanc@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms K Shakespeare | MFL Teacher (French) | kshakespeare@stmcomprehensive.org |
MUSIC | ||
Ms C Ryan | Head of Music (Maternity leave) | cryan@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr T Sanford | Music Teacher | tsanford@stmcomprehensive.org |
PE | ||
Ms L Spurr | Head of PE | lspurr@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms R Lander | PE Teacher | rlander@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr S Bess | PE Teacher | sbess@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr M Rebbitt | Head of RE | mrebbitt@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr R Moran | 2 i/c RE | rmoran@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs L Forzani | RE Teacher | lforzani@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms R O'Donnell | RE Teacher | rodonnell@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr J Friel | Head of Science | jfriel@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss H Wood | 2 i/c Science | hwood@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms A Walsh |
Science Teacher/EAL Lead |
awalsh@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr S Sharp | Science Teacher | ssharp@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs C Bryson | Science Teacher | cbryson@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms A Beagan | Science Teacher | abeagan@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr E Sado | Science Teacher | esado@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr J Stinton | Science Teacher | jstinton@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms A Mihalache | Science Technician | amihalache@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Beck | SENCO | lbeck@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs N Wren | Senior Assistant SENCO | nwren@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs B Langford | Assistant SENCO | blangford@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs V Davis | Head of Intervention | vdavis@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms D Lyons | Lexia Literacy Lead | dlyons@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs L Tierney | Teaching Assistant | ltierney@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms S May | Teaching Assistant | smay@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr M Newman | Teaching Assistant | mnewman@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs M Wall | Teaching Assistant | mwall@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss J Kerrey | Teaching Assistant | jkerrey@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs S McDonough | Teaching Assistant | smcdonough@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss E Hearnden | Teaching Assistant | ehearnden@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss B Stevens | Teaching Assistant | bstevens@stmcomprehensive.org |
Miss C Roberts | Teaching Assistant | croberts@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr J Jones | Cover Supervisor | jjones@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms R O'Donnell | Cover Supervisor | rodonnell@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms L Mariategui | Cover Supervisor | lmariategui@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms E Falconer | Cover Supervisor | efalconer@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs G Stockman | PA to the Headteacher & For general enquiries | gstockman@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs L Crilly | Head of School Services | lcrilly@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs K Jennings | Personnel Officer & Exams Officer | personnel@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr B Sylvia | Attendance and Cover Manager | bsylvia@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms R Smith | Data & Careers Officer | rsmith@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms S Michalakis | School Chaplain (Maternity leave) | chaplaincy@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs A Sissons | LRC Manager | asissons@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs C Wilford | School Services Officer | cwilford@stmcomprehensive.org |
Ms C Jones | School Services Officer | cjones@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs J Boyle | School Finance Officer | finance@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr R Cook | Network Manager | ict@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mrs S Collier | School Counsellor | counsellor@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr T Collier | Premises Assistant | premises@stmcomprehensive.org |
Mr P Singh | Premises Assistant | premises@stmcomprehensive.org |