Student Support

Sources of support in school include:

  • The Learning Support Unit
  • There is always someone in the LSU available if you need someone to talk to
  • All Key Stage Leaders, and Form Tutors
  • Peer Mentors from each year group are there to support you with any questions or issues
  • Talk to an adult, or use email to tell us how you’re feeling
  • Our school counsellor is available to listen to and support you if you’re having problems at home or in school

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Bereavement - Supporting a Child or Young Person

Cruse Bereavement Care offers support,  advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies

RD4U is a website for 12-18 year olds to help you find your own road to dealing with loss. It provides a message board with its own e-mail reply service manned by trained volunteers.

Winston’s Wish is a charity for bereaved children that has a great interactive website with lots of information.

Road Peace is a national road traffic victim helpline – 0845 4500 355 open 12 hours a day every day offering free confidential support and information to the bereaved, injured and their carers. Their website tells you how to create an internet memorial.

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

The LSU manager has undertaken specific training courses with Child Bereavement UK, Grief and Bereavement in Schools and Supporting Bereaved Pupils: Let's talk about it


Making the Internet a safe and healthy place for us to explore is the responsibility of a number of organisations, including supply social media providers, such as Face book, Twitter and Instagram. However, all of us have a responsibility to consider if the photograph, video or information which we have should be shared with the world and for us to consider the impact of our actions, before we cause offence and distress.

To know more about how to keep safe on the Internet you may like to visit any of these sites:




Remember, if anyone needs support with on line abuse or e-safety, they can speak in confidence to their Head of Year or report the issue online.